
What do you get for your investment in counseling services? 

Current Rates

Executive Consulting

Short-term, targeted support for work-related needs with a therapist who specializes in that specific area.


Scholarship Availability: None

Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy

Psychotherapy services for Children, Adults, Couples, Families, and more with one of our licensed therapists or associates.


(varies by clinician)

Scholarship Availability: Yes

Copyediting, Consulting, and Other Services

Topic-specific copyediting for your needs. Current specialities include medical and disseration services.


Scholarship Availability: Yes

What do I get for my investment?

Psychotherapy Services

Your fee includes your 45-minute therapy session, routine brief telephone consultations (We do not bill for brief phone consults, as we believe this is a normal part of the therapeutic process), and time spent managing forms and communication with your other healthcare providers (when applicable). For child therapy, this fee also includes your monthly parenting sessions.

No-obligation Initial Psychotherapy Consultation

Finding the right fit between therapist and client is vital to successful therapy. You are investing in your mental health and deserve the right to “shop around” until you find the right person. For initital therapy sessions, if we decide after meeting that you would be better helped by another professional or that we are not a good match, then you will not be charged for the session.

Please note, however, that no-shows and late cancellations for initial sessions will be billed at the full rate.

Therapy Scholarship Program (Fee Reductions)

Many people seeking help are struggling a difficult financial climate. At Wyner Family Counseling we utilize a need-based scholarship model to help those in need. Reduced fees are assessed individually for each client based on a variety of factors along with currently available scholarship funding. Your fee will be discussed at your first visit, and the cost of your first visit as well as future visits will be based upon whatever fee you and your therapist agree to. 

If scholarship funding is not available to meet your need at the time of your initial consultation, you may request to be placed on the scholarship wait list.